Blogs by Prathamesh Inde

Exploring the Latest Features in Angular 12

Angular 12 has introduced a plethora of features that enhance the development experience. From improved performance optimizations to new APIs, this blog dives deep into what developers can expect from the latest version of Angular.

In addition to performance improvements, Angular 12 brings updates to the Angular CLI, making it easier for developers to scaffold components and services. We'll explore these changes and how they can boost productivity. Moreover, the enhanced support for lazy loading and differential loading contributes to more efficient application bundles, ensuring a seamless user experience.


Building Scalable Web Apps with Angular and Firebase

Firebase is a powerful backend-as-a-service platform that, when combined with Angular, allows developers to build scalable and real-time web applications effortlessly. This blog provides a step-by-step guide on integrating Angular with Firebase and showcases a sample application to demonstrate the capabilities of this stack.

We'll cover authentication, real-time database updates, and hosting, giving you a comprehensive understanding of how to create robust and scalable web applications. Furthermore, Firebase Cloud Functions can be utilized to extend the backend functionality, and Firebase Hosting ensures a secure and reliable environment for your Angular apps.


Deploying Angular Apps on AWS Cloud

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides a reliable and scalable cloud infrastructure for deploying applications. In this blog, we explore the process of deploying Angular applications on AWS, utilizing services like AWS S3 for hosting, AWS CloudFront for content delivery, and AWS Amplify for continuous deployment.

Whether you're new to AWS or looking to optimize your deployment strategy, this blog provides insights into best practices for hosting Angular applications on the cloud. Explore the benefits of AWS Lambda for serverless computing, AWS Cognito for user authentication, and AWS CloudWatch for monitoring and logging in an Angular application context.
